If you want to know how to overcome your fear of public speaking then listening to Subliminal tapes can significantly reduce any fear you may have about public speaking. ... On top of that, dead things are a reminder of . The National Institute of Mental Health suggests that 8% of U.S. adults have some type of phobia. The same applies to successful people, some felt comfortable right where they were before they started becoming successful, there were no real expectations and they felt right at home. After all, blood is a precious, life-sustaining substance that is supposed to remain inside of people, meaning there is a high chance that something is wrong when interested individuals can see blood out and about. 1. The truth is that a modern elevator cannot crash to the floor because there are usually three or more emergency brakes, so if it goes beyond a certain speed, they kick in and the elevator stops. It is speculated by some specialists that claustrophobia is a so-called prepared phobia, meaning that humans are predisposed to it because it helped our ancestors survive the environments in which they found themselves. Women are more likely to experience phobias than men. example. Arachnophobia – The fear of spiders affects women four times more (48% women and 12% men). bathroom and will usually have to get someone else to remove it. 10 Most Common Phobias. The following are some of the most common phobias prevalent among people in the United States: 1. 1. Its easy to see why this fear has made it into our common phobias list.We’ve all been there at some stage of our lives, whether it's a speech you had to make at work or a wedding speech, you had to stand up in front of many people and talk, its one of our most common fears. By listening to I am fascinated by this issue. You have a phobia called “phobophobia” (the fear of phobias). The fear of snakes is a very common phobia and its not too hard to see Also, I know people with foot phobias. People who are afflicted by this phobia are not too common so you may not know anyone who has it. Entomophobia comes from two Greek words. Phobias are the abnormal and intense fears people develop for various things one could have never imagined. So, as you can see its quite important to fix this phobia as fast as you can and start living again. . You described each fear in detail. When we are young, we are naturally afraid of the dark, we wont go to sleep unless the nightlight is on or the door is kept a jar, you remember those days, right?. You don’t need to be on this end of the scale but somewhere in between would be nice. As such, Thanatos was considered to be both merciless and indiscriminate, which speaks volumes about how the ancient Greeks perceived death. I learned something new in this hub and I am going to link it to my The Truth of Mental Illnesses and Demons hub. Statistically, there is a good chance you or someone you know suffers from one these phobias as well. More power! To an extent, it is understandable. So, what we can learn from this is that air travel is the safest form of transport in the world, if you travel on a western airline in the 21st century, you’ll be completely safe. ePainAssist. Many of those who are affected by this phobia will carry it with them throughout their entire lives not knowing that there are simple tools out there which can cure this fear once and for all. A 1998 survey of more than 8,000 respondents published in the British Journal of Psychiatry found that some of the most common phobias include: acrophobia, fear of … You can overcome the fear of of people worldwide who suffer from this fear one way or another. The sensitive series sees Bear Grylls travel to a wild and remote location with a travel companion, who has a personal challenge they wish to overcome. Rated it up. Without further ado, here are the top 10 phobias of all time, starting with number 10 and counting down to the one thing that people fear most. The fear of everything comes in at number 20 on our common phobias list. Maybe you were in the family car when it was involved in an accident or you witnessed an accident on the road. Its a worst case scenario for many people, they worry about making a fool of themselves, they worry that they’ll get it all wrong and everyone will start talking about them. This fear is Phobias are classified as an anxiety disorder, which is the most common type of mental disorder. Thanatos was the Greek personification of death. This phobia affects women more than men as a woman’s looks are important to them whereas men can get by without having to look good all the time. As such, it is one of those phobias that show up a lot in media. Flowers are the most beautiful things that nature has offered us. Though less persistent these days, flute fear often was caused by PTSD in the early days of warfare, when fife players were common on the battlefield. Whether its at the dentist or doctors surgery, we will have to face the needle sooner or later. The modern elevator, although bigger than its past contemporaries, is still a small confined space in which many of us spend some part of our day in. Subscribe. Just listening to some recordings for Most (dare I say, all) of us are afraid of something, whether it be small spaces, heights, or snakes; and as it turns out, we often share the same fears. . As such, elevators, crowded rooms, and even small cars can be no-go zones for people suffering from a particularly bad case of the phobia. Dana Hanson 1 year ago. The phobias are not good. Astraphobia is a fear of thunder and lightning. Spiders tend not to be very threatening to humans. We asked our Talkspace therapists what the most common phobias they see in their clients, they shared with us the following list of top ten phobias and how to help alleviate them. They come from the 4 known This is one of the phobias that can have a very noticeable effect on a person’s lifestyle because there are millions and millions of dogs in just the United States. The 20 Most Common Phobias in the World. day. About 1/3rd of adult humans suffer from this phobia. I mean how could someone have a fear of being successful, it doesn’t make sense does it? This phobia, known as arachnophobia is usually in the domain of women as 50% of They are stuck in their old ways and environment and they don’t want to change so eventually they begin to fear everything which will take them out of their current surroundings. I seem to be surrounded by relatives that have this fear and therefore act like they know everything. Fears and phobias are one of the most prevalent forms of mental anxiety disorders that affect people of all ages and interfere with daily life. Join http://www.WatchMojo.com as we count down our picks for the top 10 common phobias. There are many reasons why someone would have a fear of driving; some think a mild form of agoraphobia is to blame while others put it down to a bad experience with cars in childhood. Although this phobia is not going to have any real major implications for your life its still a big deal for some as they will at some stage either need to visit a hospital for themselves or need to visit someone they know. The truth is that anyone can easily cure their fear of driving by using simple self hypnosis which they can do from the comfort of their own homes. Social phobias. Overall, its a phobia which can easily be cured so if you feel uneasy when visiting a hospital, why not do something about it today and rid yourself of this phobia once and for all. @ fucsia: phobias can be extremely difficult to overcome, but it's not impossible. If you suffer from a phobia & you're looking for a cure then the best solution for this is the use of subliminal messages. How Long Should You Wait to Apply for Another Credit Card? The point is that we can never really escape the hospital, most of us a born in one and most of us will die in one. For some, it can be life altering as they spend most of their Some people can deal with rejection really well, while others crumble at the very thought of being rejected. But they carry a real sense of fear and panic for anyone who is affected by them. plane without worrying about being so far up in the sky? ePainAssist. Its another one of those common phobias which affects most of us. 8 Common Phobias Fear is a normal emotion, but overwhelming, paralyzing fears of particular places, things, or situations are known as phobias. This makes plenty of sense seeing as how dead things are just crawling with who knows what, meaning that it is a good idea to avoid them as much as possible. The second most common fear, ophidiophobia is the fear of snakes. 50 Most Common Phobias. If you really worry about aging and how it's affecting you, then you should think about listening to some self help hypnosis CD's which will change the way you look at aging forever. Dana has extensive professional writing experience including technical and report writing, informational articles, persuasive articles, contrast and comparison, grant applications, and advertisement. 2 7 Major Reasons You Should Try Dry January. Regardless, the relevant point is that aerophobia causes people to avoid flying, which is something that can have catastrophic consequences for their lives if their travel plans get affected too badly too frequently by this particular issue. Very good job. So the best way is to age gracefully, look after yourself, change your diet, don’t drink so much and don't ever smoke. Its a pretty tough call when you think about it, we are continuously trying to be winners but at some stage we are going to have to deal with failure. This hub introduces you to the top 20 common phobias in the world today. Maybe our mother was cold or unemotional or our father was never present, these things can lead to intimacy issues later on in life and they can seriously affect the way we live. They say that most phobias are learnt at around the age of 7, so if you have this fear then it could be from around that age. I don't like spiders either! It could express itself in other ways like not wanting to cuddle up on the sofa or wanting your own side of the bed to yourself at night.It could express itself through the way we talk to our partner, like not being able to tell them you love them or not being as touchy feely as you should be. Sometimes called social anxiety disorder, social phobia is when someone has an irrational fear of being judged, rejected, and otherwise evaluated in a negative manner. Two, this is because a phobia is excessive. Love this list of phobias. although the hub maybe be very well written, those of us with very severe cases might find it a bit dismissive of the actually , pain, anxiety, depression , and hopelessness associated with these phobias. Who doesn’t have some sort of fear of needles? Almost any situation, event, animal, insect or object you can think of has a related phobia. Don't delete this one; just edit by taking half the points to the other new one and linking them together! I wasn't being dismissive about the pain, anxiety, depression , and hopelessness associated with severe phobias. Might I suggest you include the actual phobia names for each condition. It is perfectly normal for people to be concerned by the sight of blood. Combating a phobia is easy with positive affirmations, you simply listen to these subliminal recordings and within only 14 days you'll notice a dramatic effect. A good example is the fact that almost 80% of all lottery winners in the states are broke within 5 years. Know the top ten most occurring phobias in the world. Astraphobia is sometimes called by other names, air travel is acutally safer than driving a car, 10 Intelligent Ways to Invest in Your Health, How Google Street View Images Could Help Us Address Public Health. Very good beccas90, I got a good laugh out of that. You see Agoraphobia is often thought of as something which affects people who cant go outside their own doors. However some people may have milder versions of it which will show up in their daily lives, these people don’t want to change, they wont try new things, go to new restaurants etc. In some cases, these symptoms escalate into a full-blown panic attack. Three, this is because a phobia is unrealistic. Something that so many of us share, but are often too ashamed to talk about! This couldn’t be further from the truth. However, there are some people who take the fear of death to extremes, thus resulting in thanatophobia. This phobia can affect many people throughout their lives and is one of those fears which they will have to deal with sooner or later. One of the best treatments for panic attacks is in fact the nlp phobia cure method and many will attest to this. Xenophobia is a concept that most people should be familiar with to some extent. This can have a real devastating effect on one’s life as it significantly curtails a lifestyle. However, wouldn’t Otherwise, it's very through and well presented. First, consider Top 5 phobias of all time. Here are some of the most common. This is when we realize we have a problem, no adult should be scared of the dark, its just not something we should bring into adulthood. It was very informative and I enjoyed reading this. Use arrows to rank one item in Top 20 animal phobias vs another. 2. 50 Most Common Phobias. We rarely see an airplane crash these days and when it does happen, its usually from some non western country. :). For that matter, it is possible that there are multiple causes, with examples ranging from it being learned from other people to it being a product of past trauma. Most people don’t like being confined in a metal tube miles above the earth while others are more afraid of the plane crashing. she scared of dying. it be better to just rid yourself of this fear once and for all? Lori Colbo from Pacific Northwest on October 01, 2010: Great hub!I have arachnophobia, despite I have tried in many ways to overcome this unnecessary fear, I still have it, but I console myself thinking that amoung all the fears you have listed, arachnophobia is perhaps the less disabling, i have a lot of phobias this hub was very intresting i like how you lined it out it makes a lot of sence thanks for your info. 1 Disorders related to phobias … For example, trypophobia can be triggered by holes made by insects. Phobias: The ten most common fears people hold By Allyson Horn Posted Fri Friday 1 May May 2015 at 1:26pm Fri Friday 1 May May 2015 at 1:26pm , updated Fri Friday 1 … However it becomes a real full blown phobia when panic sets in and this is how most will know they have a real problem with confined spaces. Monophobia is the phobia of being alone. 2) Chaetophobia: the fear of hair.They may also fear the hair on their own body. He was distinct from Hades in that Hades was the ruler of the underworld whereas Thanatos was the representation of the process of death. Actually, most of us should be afraid of that. You got all the bases covered well in this hub but you missed one... fear of being wrong! Rated 33 points - posted 11 years ago by kris in category People. So, if you want to Like claustrophobia, it is suspected that acrophobia might be something that we are predisposed towards because it helped our ancestors avoid situations that could have resulted in them killing themselves by falling off of high places. You can click on each phobia to learn about causes, symptoms and treatments. Top 100 Phobia List. Nearly one in 10 Americans suffers such a fright—here's what scares them the most. One, this is because a phobia is persistent. All Topics; A to Z ; Mental Health; Advertisement. Fear of social interactions. Just think about it for a second, do you watch those quizzes on TV, the contestant is on the million dollar question, the pressure is immense. Also, you can break the text into more paragraphs for easier reading. Sarah from Melbourne, Australia on November 17, 2010: Very interesting topic. Open spaces can trigger such symptoms, but so can everything from crowds to the outdoors. The most common phobias include those most people have heard of such as fear of snakes or spiders; however, the most unusual phobias can be of anything, such as fear of crossing streets or fear of reading books. In short, it is the fear of thunder as well as lightning, which can be debilitating during thunderstorms when it comes to the more serious cases. To fail at something is a natural part of the learning curve. Television production company betty (London, UK) are currently making a brand new series for Discovery International. Janis Leslie Evans from Washington, DC on October 28, 2012: Great hub, very thorough. 20: And lastly on the most common phobias is the fear of bridges If you marked at least three of the most common phobias on this list please share with us in the comments. It is the top 1 phobia of all the phobias. I for sure thought the fear of clowns would be there I know so many people who are afraid of them and most people think my fear is rediculous, birds. heights in only a few weeks just by listening to subliminal messages twice a You’re not alone and this can be a great motivation push. Unsurprisingly, we don’t perceive death in any better light under normal circumstances. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. No one knows the exact causes of the phobia, but that hasn’t stopped interested individuals from offering a wide range of guesses. people, hypnotherapy is a viable option. What is Entomophobia or Fear of Bugs & Insects? It is common for people to confuse social phobia with shyness, but social phobia is a much stronger problem, so much so that people who suffer from it can’t get a handle on it in the same way that someone can overcome their shyness. Acrophobia is when someone is fearful of heights. There are many reports of people who use subliminal technology to stop anxiety and panic attacks as well as many other types of phobias with great results. avoid snakes then you’re going to have to live in a country like Ireland for For example, there are people who are about anxious about speaking in public but can either dance, sing, or put on other performances in public with no issues whatsoever. Good hub! People who worry excessively about being alone should tackle this phobia head on, see someone about it, or use hypnotherapy to rid yourself of it once and for all. If you have this most common fear, then you’re going to come across as being desperate and this will have a snowball effect on your relationships. Wouldn’t it be so much easier to just get on a i' ve also developed a case of agoraphobia and haven;t left my house for two years unless my wife was with me. How Google Street View Images Could Help …, 10 Things You Didn’t Know about Zhong Shanshan, The History of and Story Behind the Petco Logo, The History of and Story Behind the Panera Bread Logo, 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Avi Cohen. Phobias are very common and are seen across all age groups. If we need an injection, we are just going to grin and bear it. Flying without fear is a goal which most people who suffer from this phobia think they'll never succeed to do.Fear of Flying TipsThere are many fear of flying courses available today & they all start out by telling you about plane safety. Most of us can avoid needles in our youth but at some stage as we age we’re going to have to endure the needle. The fear of flying phobia, also known as Aerophobia is one of the most common phobias and affects many of us on a daily basis. These companions are not survivalists themselves, but rather real people who have stories to share and the urge to overcome their individual hurdles, to regain confidence within themselves. There are many tools out there today which can help you with this fear, so if you think you have a bad case of claustrophobia, then you should think about getting help as this is one phobia anyone would rather live without. However, while there are some people who suffer from a form of agoraphobia that causes them to be scared of being out in open spaces, it is more complicated than that. Generally speaking, a phobia is an irrational fear or avoidance of a certain object or situation. Today, I will show you some of the most common phobias in the world, so sit back and be prepared to be equally terrified, amazed, surprised and entertained. Trypophobia is one of those phobias that can sound ridiculous on initial consideration but becomes less so with further thought. Imagine if you never failed at anything in life, everything you touched turned into gold, how would you ever learn if this was the case. There are many people who wont set foot on a plane, they’ll take the boat instead. Generally speaking, most people will be most familiar with xenophobia in the form of racism, whether in their home countries or somewhere else in the world. The thing is that you can get by without this fear having a major impact on The 10 Best Places to Eat in Melbourne, Australia, A Traveler’s Guide to the Best Beaches in Melbourne, Australia, The 10 Best Places to Stay in Melbourne, Australia, The 20 Best Things to do in Melbourne, Australia for First Timers, The Five Best Porsche Models for Off Roading. If you have a phobia, relax if you can—you’re not alone. By following these guidelines, you can improve the way you look in only a matter of months. Most people will acquire some of these common phobias in childhood, some will naturally grow out of these phobias but others will carry it with them for the rest of their lives. Its a way of life in a modern city, after all you cant climb 100 floors to your office every morning, you just wouldn’t have the time, so the only way is the elevator. Snakes are common throughout the world & live in almost all countries However some will still have this phobia no matter what you tell them and for those it may be a good idea to invest in some self hypnosis CD's and this should make a real difference when it comes to this phobia. Do you want to take part in a new TV series with Bear Grylls & overcome a personal obstacle in your life? The heebie-jeebies related phobia and for all every part of our lives is still on. Nearly one in 10, or 6.3 million, Americans have a few feet on a ladder but... Few feet on a plane without worrying about being mocked when they have fear! Adults who will grow out of it and it more than 500 recognized phobias range from super common incredibly... Can really make some amazing progress with this phobia sooner rather than adults who will grow out of that dead... But we can easily reduce our fear of driving subliminal CD 's a! Sum it all up, putting up those pointers that are top, of. 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