What should I do? Ask us in the comments! Example: one Customer asked me to make a Transparent Header on the hero section, so the Logo has to be white first. All we need to do is add in this bit of css:.elementor-sticky--active {background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.70);} You can change the background-color to be anything you want the header’s background to turn … Z-index! Now it works just the way I want it. Also set the Columns Gap to 'no gap', and give it the CSS class 'leftbar', and a z-index value of 999. Join 2,824,869 Elementors, and get a weekly roundup of our best skill-enhancing content. This will allow you to add a CSS class to any menu item. However, I’m having trouble reducing the height of the widget before the scrolling happens. But let me know it helped you. Don{t know how to do that with Elementor though. it’s perfectly working btw can i change my nav menu text on scroll ? Do you have any ideas that might help me? Now the first thing you need to do before using the Nav Menu element in Elementor is, set the Elementor Page layout to either Elementor Canvas or Elementor Full-Width. You know the step after that I have a ‘strap-line’ under the logo for the full heading which I would like to hide when shrunk. to this:.elementor-nav-menu--dropdown-mobile. Your solution only has this line: Glad you found my article useful. This is why we recommend keeping your header’s height to around 100px at max. However, we recommend not exceeding 100px for the header height as larger headers can cause problems with the shrink effect. Thanks Roy for your quick reply! Hi Rudy. I had to combine your last posts with your first one as shown below. I tried inspecting it to find the right css code, but no luck , I also need to change the search icon from orange to white…. I followed your instructions exactly. Select your header section and go to the Advanced tab -> Custom CSS area. I am using the hello theme and I tried it with your code without any modification, with modification and still getting the same issue! If you want to add a gradient on hover instead of a solid color, change this code: Just make sure to enter your linear gradient value. We have to copy the shown code and paste it in the custom css section of our Menu item. Why? Click on the page settings icon in the bottom left corner of the pFage. A while ago, I made a tutorial showing you how to build your own custom header with Elementor.. That tutorial relied on a 3rd party plugin to handle the navigation menu.It wasn’t a bad solution… but at the time, it’s all we had.. Until now, Elementor has been purely focused on … You can use a media query to show this code only on screen that are 768 pixels wide and above. What excellent timing! Thank you for sharing. Once you have your regular header ready to go, this section will cover how to make it shrink. the icons become invisible, etc.) I checked on all my sites. Now click on the Advanced tab. At first it shrinks and seems to get out of the way but then it shows up again in the background of the following section, which is the final section just before the posts show up. Add custom CSS to every section, column or widget. Is it also possible to change the Color of the Logo or the Logo itself? The header is a theme builder template using the Elementor (I think) Nav Menu widget. Then, you can combine it with the sticky header feature, so that as the user scrolls, the Elementor transparent header will reveal the page behind it. When I scroll down I got the effect required (shrinking, changing color… etc), and the background I set it to white, but when I scroll up again it flashes in white color on the entire section “max width” size then immediately the effect take place toward the initial look of the section and logo size! All you need to do is update the value that comes after the colon and before the semi-colon. Nice work! Also how can I make it retain the gradient color instead of solid color, as in your example? If you know your way around CSS, you can also customize these to meet your needs. Please note: When targeting your specific element, add `selector` before the tags and classes you want to exclusively target, i.e: selector a { color: red;}. The very 1st Elementor EXTENDER that will provide you more custom options for Elementor Widgets and make Elementor more user friendly without having any custom CSS knowledge. I needed to increase the z-index of the section that includes the menu. We’ll be using CSS Custom Properties (or CSS Variables). Heey, thanks heaps for this! Hope it’ll serve you well. Best, Roy, The Header is not shrinking for me , is there any video tutorial. It is capturing the title in the Menu Item on the Appearance Menu. May I send you the URL for our development site? Thank you! Tried it and looks amazing! Final Thought. This week, our Elementor expert explains how to create a shrinking sticky header with Elementor. The website you shared uses several images on top of each other and then uses some CSS trickery to switch between them on desktop, mobile and sticky on each. You can set in right in Elementor on the header under Advanced, or add this bit of code: I used a really big number, so that it’ll be the top-most positioned element, hopefully. Best, Roy. Hi there. I am using the retina image widget instead of normal image widget. If you are a non-coder, don’t get worried Elementor itself gives you a lot of custom drag and drop controls to customize your site. There are only 10 easy steps to a unique menu! Going a little further, is it possible to have a second (smaller) menu to switch to when scrolling down instead of the same menu being smaller? Setup menu in Elementor. So I Need the possibility to change the Logo Image from light to dark. I’m using motion effects to make the the header sticky, but I’m using CSS to make it shrink. Is that correct? Method 2: Elementor free custom CSS via the Code Snippet Plugin Step 1: Open plugins tab of your WordPress website. Step 9: As you can see below is the default style of the nav menu, to make those dropdown menu bigger we will add some custom CSS on this menu. In the meantime, you can also use a plugin that does this. I’ve now used this on a new site I’m building so, with version 3.0 of Elementor out now and still no proper sticky header, I see your code being used for a long time yet! My code is using CSS Variables, which the CSS editor still doesn’t recognize, so you can ignore these red warning signs. For this guide, we’re creating a simple header. Next, enter a name into the CSS ID field. Both ways seem to work. i.e. Hi Simone You’re more than welcome. In Page settings / Advanced / Custom CSS is a good place. Thanks, Roy! About the author: Roy Eyal, Elementorist @ Elementor. Hi Andrew. Well, its really easy to add and maintain CSS Code Snippets in your Elementor design.. You can design your own site by inserting CSS code and modify the style of your site as per your requirement.. Glad you liked! Just make sure you set the correct size for the icon, and they should all be the same value. I am wondering why this is not part of Elementor core. But in case you need a quick reference : Step 1. Secondly, if you are using a “back to top” pop-up as I am, make sure you transfer the CSS-ID from the header to the top object. Thanks for this guide. When you enable the sticky scroll option, Elementor adds javascript that when you scroll, the section gains the CSS class “elementor-sticky–active”. I am using the Astra theme. If you have Elementor free, see How to easily add custom CSS with Elementor … It has Mega Menu with One Page, Sticky Nav Menu, Smart Hide, Mobile Menu and many more… You can design your own custom made comment form via elementor. Sorry, but that’s not possible as of now. .elementor-nav-menu--dropdown li + li:before {content: " ";}.elementor-sticky--active .elementor-nav-menu__align-left .elementor-nav-menu {margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto;} Step 1: Copy and paste. If you haven’t already, purchase Elementor Pro so that you can create your own header templates and use this neat effect. One other thing of note: Our home page will use a different sticky menu from our secondary pages. For reference, we’re using the free Hello theme for our example. I am not a newbie. Drag and drop this option in your desired page section, let’s say we want it for “Our Clients” menu button Specify the menu anchoring link for the section you want to be scrolled upon At the same time, though, you’re still able to give users access to your full navigation menu at all times, which you wouldn’t be able to do if you completely hide the header when a user scrolls down. Great Tutorial! Fairly close but it behaves a bit strangely. Its pre-written codes will do the tricks for you. A shrinking header provides an eye-catching way to give your main content more space while still offering a navigation menu. header.sticky-header. Thanks in advance. One of the custom templates you can create is the header template. Choose the horizontal layout. It’s out the scope of this tutorial to debug CSS, but if you’ll add !important; at the end of every line then code should work. Let’s say we add a class called “strap-line” the the widget holding your strap-line. Hi Roy and everyone, I found that if you only need to shrink the header by shrinking the logo (no colour changes etc), this shorter CSS code will do : header.header_sec_class { –header-height: 10vw; –opacity: 1; –shrink-me: 0.80; –transition: 500ms ease-in-out; } header.header_sec_class > .elementor-container .logo_class img { transition: max-width var(–transition); } header.header_sec_class.elementor-sticky–effects .logo_class img { max-width: calc(100% * var(–shrink-me)); }. Thank you for your tutorial, but in my case it doesn’t work at all. Question – how do we disable this on mobile? Hi there. Note: If editing a Widget, right-clicking will show the option to Edit Widget, and editing a Column will show Edit Column. Site’s in Hebrew, but you could have similar effect. One of which, it has no capability to create a mega menu or off-canvas menu. By entering your email, you agree to our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy. For example: Try following my article with your own color and let me know if it worked. A developer posted a custom css solution, but the entire point of Elementor is to reduce coding time and make things simple. The Shrink Me property controls the degree to which your header and logo shrink when a visitor starts scrolling down. Which is … However, when I scroll down, my actual menu duplicates the text for a few seconds. So, for an About section, enter “about” into the CSS ID field, for example. Could you help me please with that one? Now if I may just one question: is it possible to hide an object in the header when shrinking? Thanks in advance regards. In the center, press Add New. Check out this Pro feature of Elementor. It’s hard to tell why the menu disappears on tablet and mobile. Is it anything to do with that? JetMenu is the Elementor add-on we highly recommend if you want to create an advanced … But I tried to shrink the social and search button as well by putting them in the Logo-Class that is used for the Siteimage but it doesn’t work. I was looking for these. I'm an absolute begginer when it comes to code (that's why I'm using elementor to build my site) I'm trying to style the nav menu with custom css since the provided solutions look a bit ugly. Join millions of professionals who use Elementor to build WordPress websites faster and better than ever before, OverviewEditorDesignMarketingDevelopmentTheme BuilderExpertsPopup BuilderWidgetsIntegrations, BlogCommunityShowcaseHostingAdd-onsHello ThemeTemplate LibraryAffiliate ProgramWebsite TutorialsFree WordPress ThemesPortfolio Website BuilderOne Page Website BuilderFunnel Builder, About UsPricingCareersTrademarkTerms & ConditionsPrivacy Policy, Join our 0 newsletter subscribers and get the latest news and articles sent straight to your inbox weekly. When I put code below it make changes, so CSS works, but when put Roy’s one nothing happens: header.elementor-sticky–effects { background-color: #0e41e5 !important; background-image: none !important; opacity: 0.90 !important; -webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(10px); backdrop-filter: blur(10px); }. Then, as a user starts scrolling down the page, the header “shrinks” to become a bit smaller – you can control the degree to which it shrinks and also change how transparent it becomes. You’re welcome Anabell. This plugin will not add any new widget. heading element and for the love of god I can’t figure out how to change that one :/ can you help? Sure, if you don’t need any other change then you can omit lines you don’t need. Thank you! To get started, use Elementor Theme Builder to edit the template for your header. Best, Roy, Hi, do you have idea how should I customize it in order to have exactly this effect? Open the Custom CSS collapsible and add the CSS to the text below. You can change the height if you want, just make sure to change the height for both the CSS property and the header section’s settings. I’m sorry to hear you’re having a hard time, and to be honest if you had to add !important; at the end of every CSS line, then this means that the CSS is being overridden by something. But resizing the screen to a smaller width, at a certain moment the hamburger menu shows. While you can edit the CSS directly in the Elementor interface, we’d recommend using a proper code editor such as Visual Studio Code or Atom. The Nav Menu widget lets you use menus that you’ve created in WordPress and design them in whatever way you want. They says “If you are looking for a way to add custom CSS to your WordPress site, you can now use Elementor page builder plugin. And if you’ve already used this effect on your site, share the link in the comments so that we can check it out. Well, animating gradients isn’t that simple, as you can’t replace one gradient with another. As you can see, the page header has been changed. Make the Elementor nav-menu widget stick and float as you scroll a page. That's why I use this method in my articles. JetMenu. is it possible to only have box shadow visible after scroll? Set the Columns Gap of the inner section to 'no gap'. Step 10: Get the id or class of each element below to add custom style to each other. However, we’ll give you the exact code that you need and walk you through customizing it to match your site. Thanks for the tutorial it’s more complete than the one I was using. If you need a sticky header then enable it from nav menu options and configure it. Sure thing, Simone. I think it’s time for a lot more sticky options! 3.3 iii) Add Custom CSS to site header's to change the background colour on scroll ; 4 Steps#4 - Drag and Drop Site Logo & Nav Menu widget. Set the Mobile Dropdown to None that will be under Nav menu - layout - Scroll down. I see you wrote your own transition, so I’ll add it here as well. A Rivmedia Community Brand . Step 3: Add The custom CSS given below In a way, you kind of get the best of both worlds — more space for your content while still being able to offer your full navigation menu. your nav menu > Advanced > Advanced > CSS Classes = "full_center_dropdown" your nav menu > Advanced > Custom CSS =.full_center_dropdown nav ul {min-width: 100% !important;}.full_center_dropdown nav ul a {justify-content: center;} This will give your submenus a minwidth of 100%, and will center the menu items. As for the CSS code, try to use the code the way I used it if possible. apply custom css on page header. The header on my site is pink with white text, and the first section is pink also, so when scrolling the text is eligble and when you get to the white section it is also. Here’s the deal. When looking to add this feature, obviously my white text becomes ineligble because of the white background. My current header is 160px and I have a shrinking-sticky header plugin to do the job. You need to add a meta tag called theme-color to your site’s header, such as this: Link: https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2014/11/Support-for-theme-color-in-Chrome-39-for-Android Hope this helps! However, for styling my SVG logo I set the width to let’s say 43% and the max-width also to 43%. Also, why are you trying to reduce the size before the scrolling happens and not after? I can adjust the header size to 90px to make it work, but it is designed to have a larger header. Here’s my take on the logo transition: I’m having an issue where the menu completely disappears on tablet and mobile. You should a class called hide-me to it (under Advanced), and then you can hide it on scroll: I’m getting the same errors as shown in the pic Custom CSS. Shrinking header is that you get more space while still offering a navigation menu itself works for. 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