Now set the environment variables to function OpenSSL properly on your system. The provider-specific section is used to specify how to load the module, activate it, and set other parameters. Other modules are described in fips_config(5) and x509v3_config(5). Setting OPENSSL_CONF=/dev/null would cause node to not use a conf file. Each path in the PATH environment variable should be separated by a semicolon. We can expect (for example) citgm ws to fail with: node --force-fips /path/to/openssl_fips_enabled.cnf If present, it must be first. For example: The value consists of the string following the = character until end of line with any leading and trailing whitespace removed. The text $var or ${var} inserts the value of the named variable from the current section. In certain circumstances, such as with Certificate DNs, the same field may occur multiple times. It’s an open-source, commercial-grade and full-featured toolkit suitable for both personal and enterprise usage. My solution was to pass subjectAltName via an environment variable. While some OpenSSL commands have their own section for specifying OID's, this section makes them available to all commands and applications. By clicking “Sign up for GitHub”, you agree to our terms of service and The same applies also to maximum versions set with MaxProtocol. As of cae9eb3, it is no longer possible to enable FIPS mode with an environment variable. The syntax for defining ASN.1 values is described in ASN1_genera… You can override this reference in an openssl command with the -config option on the command line. This page documents the syntax of OpenSSL configuration files, as parsed by NCONF_load(3)and related functions. # Add environment variables to PowerShell profile # Test for a profile, if not found create one! If the # is the first non-space character in a line, the entire line is ignored. It is possible to escape certain characters by using any kind of … This sets the randomness source that should be used. For example: This specifies what cipher a CTR-DRBG random bit generator will use. All other names are taken to be the name of a ctrl command that is sent to the ENGINE, and the value is the argument passed with the command. So are you saying that you're fine with loading an OpenSSL config file if OPENSSL_CONF=/path/to/file is set, but not ok with having a default location that always gets loaded if it exists (like /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf). An application can specify a different name by calling CONF_modules_load_file(), for example, directly. Relative paths are evaluated based on the current working directory, so unless the file with the .include directive is application-specific, the inclusion will not work as expected. Before running, set environment variables OPENSSL_CONF and SSLDIR to the directory where DemoCA was installed. In this example, the variable tempfile is intended to refer to a temporary file, and the environment variable TEMP or TMP, if present, specify the directory where the file should be put. We are still using the same path so surely an attacker could still modify/change the config file? Ignored in set-user-ID and set-group-ID programs. Change to the folder where DemoCA was installed. If the value is yes, this is exactly equivalent to: If the value is no, nothing happens. This can be worked around by specifying a default value in the default section before the variable is used. On some platforms, however, it is common to treat $ as a regular character in symbol names. PR to ignore OPENSSL_CONF:, cc/ @rvagg @bnoordhuis @shigeki @mhdawson @gdams @sxa555. So my question is what is the difference between the two commands below? Supporting this behavior can be done with the following directive: This is the default behavior. The OpenSSL CONF library can be used to read configuration files. Already on GitHub? To enable library configuration, the default section needs to contain an appropriate line which points to the main configuration section. As of cae9eb3, it is no longer possible to enable FIPS mode with an environment variable. The expansion and escape rules as described above that apply to value also apply to the pathname of the .include directive. Firstly, start to open Settings from the menu Windows and search for environment. Other modules are described in fips_config(5) and x509v3_config(5). We can expect (for example) citgm ws to fail with: Allow OPENSSL_FIPS=enable to enable FIPS mode, but don't provide an equivalent to disable it, I don't think this causes any security issues. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: I am personally slightly confused as to what security difference there would be between using an environment variable to set the config file rather than passing it as a flag. The name providers in the initialization section names the section containing cryptographic provider configuration. You can specify a different configuration file by using the OPENSSL_CONF environment variable or you can specify alternative configurations within one configuration file. Copyright © 1999-2018, OpenSSL Software Foundation. to your account. You must add the path to the OPENSSL_CONF system variable. The syntax for defining ASN.1 values is described in ASN1_generate_nconf(3). This probably is most useful for loading different key types, as shown here: The name engines in the initialization section names the section containing the list of ENGINE configurations. The value assigned to this name is not significant. The OpenSSL configuration looks up the value of openssl_conf in the default section and takes that as the name of a section that specifies how to configure any modules in the library. The first part describes the general syntax of the configuration files, and subsequent sections describe the semantics of individual modules. It is an error if the value ends up longer than 64k. Older versions will treat it as an assignment, so care should be taken if the difference in semantics is important. The first part describes the general syntax of the configuration files, and subsequent sections describe the semantics of individual modules. The email in this signature doesn’t match the committer email. An undocumented API, NCONF_WIN32(), used a slightly different set of parsing rules there were intended to be tailored to the Microsoft Windows platform. Turn off FIPS by default: #5181 If a name is repeated in the same section, then all but the last value are ignored. Both LIBMYSQL_PLUGINS and OPENSSL_CONF allow custom modules to be loaded via Linux dynamic libraries.. However, there was strong push from community members who wanted/needed the runtime switch for their use cases and so it was added in 6.x. In these files, the dollar sign, $, is used to reference a variable, as described below. There is no way to include characters using the octal \nnn form. All Rights Reserved. This example shows how to use quoting and escaping. It might be a discussion we should reconsider, but I guess people want to use their FIPS node binaries to npm install things. Any name/value settings in an ENV section are available to the configuration file, but are not propagated to the environment. Rename it as openssl.conf. Seems like the next step is to submit a PR for that. The configuration file is a text file and comprises several sections, such as: The ca section, which configures the CA. The -query command uses only the symbolic OID names section and it can work without it. @rvagg perhaps you can explain this to me? Run as root with COBDIR set to where the Micro Focus product was installed. The examples below assume the configuration above is used to specify the individual sections. In this case the command: perl -S can be used and the OPENSSL_CONF environment variable changed to point to the correct path of the configuration file "openssl.cnf". On Windows, it was in a location that is usually writable by other users. OPENSSL_config() configures OpenSSL using the standard openssl.cnf configuration file name using config_name. Meta: I don't understand why FIPS is configurable at runtime in the first place. Similarly, if a file is opened while scanning a directory, and that file has an .include directive that specifies a directory, that is also ignored. The environment variable might be acceptable but I don't like the idea of a default config file, it's very implicit and un-node-y. Since the default section is checked if a variable does not exist, it is possible to set TMP to default to /tmp, and TEMP to default to TMP. If a full configuration with the above fragment is in the file example.cnf, then the following command line: showing that the OID "newoid1" has been added as "". @bnoordhuis I started at the same point thinking that you'd just want to know it was on. The environment is mapped onto a section called ENV. If pathname is a directory, all files within that directory that have a .cnf or .conf extension will be included. if (-not (Test-Path $profile) ) { New-Item -Path $profile -ItemType File -Force } # Edit profile to add these lines '$env:path = "$env:path;C:\Program Files\OpenSSL\bin"' | Out-File $profile -Append … The name oid_section in the initialization section names the section containing name/value pairs of OID's. However this means it is no longer possible to test that the FIPS binary actually fails as expected in CitGM. A configuration file is divided into a number of sections. The previous command modifies the environment variable OPENSSL_CONF which forces the openssl tool to look for a configuration file in an alternative location (in this case, ~/myCA/caconfig.cnf to switch back to the CA configuration). In order to support this, commands like openssl-req(1) ignore any leading text that is preceded with a period. OpenSSL applications can also use theCONFlibrary for their own purposes. Setup Environment Variables. A configuration file is divided into a number of sections. Scroll Prev Top Next More. A section name can consist of alphanumeri… Other applications may use an alternative name such as myapplication_conf . All parameters in the section as well as sub-sections are made available to the provider. This environmental variable references the configuration file used by the openssl commands. Since it it was windows in particular that doesn't store OpenSSL's conf file in a secure location by default, how about we bring back the default loading of the conf file on non-Windows, and the env var that controls the location? Add the Variable OPENSSL_CONF there. Ignored in set-user-ID and set-group-ID programs. Define the OPENSSL_CONF environmental variable. Its behaviour isn't always what is wanted. The configuration file format is documented in the conf(5) manual page. It is also possible to assign values to environment variables by using the name ENV::name, this will work if the program looks up environment variables using the CONF library instead of calling getenv() directly. Ignored in set-user-ID and set-group-ID programs. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. Copyright 2000-2021 The OpenSSL Project Authors. Command line flags are difficult to control compared to env vars, the node invocation is often hidden (such as inside a batch or shell script). Included files can have .include statements that specify other files. If the init command is not present then an attempt will be made to initialize the ENGINE after all commands in its section have been processed. The -query and -reply commands make use of a configuration file defined by the OPENSSL_CONF environment variable. It is not an error to leave any module in its default configuration. Adding it to the Path system variable is not sufficient! 1 Main Changes in OpenSSL 3.0 from OpenSSL 1.1.1 [] 1.1 Major Release []. The name ssl_conf in the initialization section names the section containing the list of SSL/TLS configurations. You are required to set OPENSSL_CONF and Path environment variables. openssl-x509(1), openssl-req(1), openssl-ca(1), openssl-fipsinstall(1), ASN1_generate_nconf(3), EVP_set_default_properties(3), CONF_modules_load(3), CONF_modules_load_file(3), fips_config(5), and x509v3_config(5). Looking at the PR it seems to be implying that the issue was with attackers being able to swap out the default config file from a known location. [2012-01-03 21:25 UTC] dfroe at gmx dot de I am able to reproduce this bug under FreeBSD, too. privacy statement. The limit that only one directory can be opened and read at a time can be considered a bug and should be fixed. The phrase "in the initialization section" refers to the section identified by the openssl_conf or other name (given as openssl_init in the example above). From the discussion sounds like we have consensus that adding back the option to set the config file with OPENSSL_CONF without any fallback default (ie unless you specify it through env or command line no default file will be opened) . So rather than opening the prompt each time as an admin and then having to add the openssl path each time you just need to edit your system environment variables and add the path as instructed: OPENSSL_CONF=c:\[PATH TO YOUR OPENSSL DIRECTORY]\bin\openssl.cfg. The first section of a configuration file is special and is referred to as the default section. This user has not uploaded their public key yet. To perform certain cryptographic operations (creation of a private key, generation of a CSR, conversion of a certificate ...) on a Windows computer we can use the OpenSSL tool. The path to the config file, or the empty string for none. This is useful for diagnosing misconfigurations and should not be used in production. Replace the OPENSSL-DIRECTORY placeholder in the command below with the correct location. The OpenSSL CONF library can be used to read configuration files; see CONF_modules_load_file(3). The name is the short name; the value is an optional long name followed by a comma, and the numeric value. Note that any characters before an initial dot in the configuration section are ignored, so that the same command can be used multiple times. If it exists, it is applied whenever an SSL_CTX object is created. This specifies that dollar signs are part of the symbol name and variable expansions must be specified using braces or parentheses. Sign in To use a value from another section use $section::name or ${section::name}. It is used for the OpenSSL master configuration file openssl.cnf andin a few other places like SPKAC files and certificate extension files for the x509 utility. This page documents the syntax of OpenSSL configuration files, as parsed by NCONF_load(3) and related functions. The escaping isn't quite right: if you want to use sequences like \n you can't use any quote escaping on the same line. export OPENSSL_CONF=/path/to/openssl_fips_enabled.cnf. This specifies what digest the HASH-DRBG or HMAC-DRBG random bit generators will use. You can obtain a copy in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at The engine-specific section is used to specify how to load the engine, activate it, and set other parameters. The section name can consist of alphanumeric characters and underscores. @bnoordhuis Separate FIPS-only binaries is how it worked in v4, it was changed for v6 as a result of #3819. OpenSSL 3.0 is a major release and consequently any application that currently uses an older version of OpenSSL will at the very least need to be recompiled in order to work with the new version. This change was to prevent security issues caused by the misuse of the $OPENSSL_CONF variable. If the value is 0 the ENGINE will not be initialized, if the value is 1 an attempt is made to initialize the ENGINE immediately. A comment starts with a # character; the rest of the line is ignored. Each section starts with a line [ section_name ]and ends when a new section is started orend of file is reached. The default name is openssl_conf, which is used by the openssl (1) utility. For example: The name random in the initialization section names the section containing the random number generater settings. Whitespace between the name and the brackets is removed. The name alg_section in the initialization section names the section containing algorithmic properties when using the EVP API. On Windows, run CMD (a command prompt) as Administrator. This example shows how to enforce FIPS mode for the application sample. Variables must be defined before their value is referenced, otherwise an error is flagged and the file will not load. config - OpenSSL CONF library configuration files. The value is a boolean that can be yes or no. For compatibility with older versions of OpenSSL, an equal sign after the directive will be ignored. @mhdawson @stefanmb See #10938 (comment) - I have no love for FIPS and it's not my department but doesn't a runtime knob weaken its security guarantees? Using this name is deprecated, and if used, it must be the only name in the section. This function was deprecated in OpenSSL 3.0; applications with configuration files using that syntax will have to be modified. Perhaps something to reconsider if you agree. For example: The configuration name system_default has a special meaning. This sets the property query used when fetching the randomness source. Set the OPENSSL_CONF environment variable to the location of your OpenSSL configuration file. This will work if the program looks up environment variables using the CONF library instead of calling getenv(3) directly. You are required to set OPENSSL_CONF and Path environment variables. Not only are we unable to spawn child processes of node (such as in citgm) but I would also imagine that this prevents us from using clusters too? Upgrade to OpenEdge 11.6.3 Service Pack, 11.7.0 or later, where the certutil script has been updated to include the OPENSSL_CONF environment variable Workaround On UNIX/Linux Blank lines, and whitespace between the elements of a line, have no significance. If config_name isNULL then the default name openssl_conf will be used. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES The variable OPENSSL_CONF if defined allows an alternative configuration file location to be specified, it should contain the full path to the configuration file, not just its directory. Difference between the name random in the default section all commands and applications expect for... Configurations within one configuration file is divided into a number of sections same thinking! 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