Trusadh: The Ladies and Gents. BBC ALBA DOCUMENTARY OFFERS SPECIAL JOURNEY OF DISCOVERY ON THE HIGHLAND RAILWAY AS IT CELEBRATES ITS 150TH ANNIVERSARY. 1:50. Dannsa Gàidhealach - An t-Slighe gu Còmhall/Highland Dancing – the Road to Cowal, Aileirdsidh Bidh - Buaidh no Bas/Food Allergies (A Matter of Life or Death). Seirm|Sian. Duration: 02:06 Sgeulachd às an Eilean Sgitheanach. BBC Alba is a Scottish Gaelic language digital television channel jointly owned by the BBC and MG Alba.The channel was launched on 19 September 2008 and is on-air for up to seven hours a day. Trusadh: Dachaigh ’s Dùthaich Trusadh: ... BBC ALBA serves Gaelic speakers and learners throughout the UK and provides a range of high quality home produced programmes appealing to audiences across Scotland. Trusadh Series 13 Episode 7 of 11 Dealbh onarach de na h-amannan as fheàrr agus as miosa bho measgachadh de dhaoine rè àm a’ ghlasaidh. Read about our approach to external linking. BBC ALBA. Trusadh - Rathad-iarainn na Gàidhealtachd. See all clips. Just what we all need! Related Videos. A selection of programmes is also available on the The only exception to this are Children's programmes which are transmitted in Gaelic with no subtitles. Bha poidseadh a’ gabhail àite anns na coimhearsnachdan eileanach tràth san naoidheamh linn deug, gu sònraichte air sgàth dith airgid agus cosnaidh. 1:20. Trusadh : Seargadh-Inntinn. 1:50. "Tha e air cùl m'inntinn fad na h-ùine." ... BBC visits Donald Trump's Mother's home on Isle Of ... BBC Alba The Auctioneer's Story .mov - Duration: 28:56. BBC ALBA programmes are subtitled in English or have live captions. Don't be afraid to ask the question. ... BBC ALBA. Wanchai 2nd Floor, Jonsim Place 228 Queen's Road East Wanchai, Hong Kong Dè eile a dh'iarradh tu? Trusadh is a Scottish Gaelic television news magazine programme that has been running since 2008 and that is shown on BBC Alba television. An Iolaire - Bidh sinn a' cuimhneachadh — Abair Trusadh, Episode 3 Duration: 03:09 Pìobairean Lionacleit ann an New York — Abair Trusadh , Episode 2 The contents of the programme range from sex reassignment surgery, to wolfdog ownership in the Highlands of Scotland.. References Trusadh: The Land Raiders is produced by MacTV for BBC ALBA and will be broadcast on Monday 3 December at 9pm. Sgeulachd às Na Hearadh. Sorry, this episode is not currently available. Criomagan air an toirt còmhla bho chruinneachadh iongantach de sgeulachdan làidir agus eadar-dhealaichte bho air feadh Alba agus an t-saoghail, air innse tro shùilean measgachadh de luchd-agallaimh air leth. Related videos. Inevitably, the poacher has been present far longer than his great adversary and pursuer, the gamekeeper. Trusadh Episodes Episode guide. BBC ALBA programmes are subtitled in English or have live captions so that Gaels and non-Gaelic speakers can enjoy the riches that the channel has to offer. Prògram onarach le dealbhan brèagha air innse tro shùilean seanchaidhean ionadail, far a bheil sinn ag ionnsachadh mu phoidseadh air feadh na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean ann an Alba, agus mu sgeulachdan nam poidsearan tro na ginealaichean, cuide ri beachd fiosrachail, inntinneach bho thaobh a’ gheamair. Many people who climb Scotland's iconic Munros aim to bag them all over a specific period of time – sometimes that takes a lifetime. Cò nach biodh toilichte le geansaidh blàth Èirisgeach. In the 17th and 18th centuries, ordinary people could expect to be deprived of their weapons and physically punished if caught poaching anywhere. BBC ALBA. You can also catch it on the BBC i Player after. Upcoming episodes of Series 10. The only exception to this are Children's programmes which are transmitted in Gaelic with no subtitles. Trusadh - The Highland Railway/Rathad-iarainn na Gàidhealtachd. Home; Episodes; Clips; Galleries; Information and Support; Main content. "Tha e air cùl m'inntinn fad na h-ùine." There are no upcoming broadcasts of this programme Related Content BBC Alba is a Scottish Gaelic-language free-to-air television channel jointly owned by the BBC and MG Alba.The channel was launched on 19 September 2008 and is on-air for up to seven hours a day with BBC Radio nan Gàidheal simulcasts. All; Available now (4) Next on (6) Abair Trusadh View episodes. A nostalgic look back at a wonderfully diverse collection of strong factual stories from all over Scotland and the world, told through the eyes of engaging contributors from all walks of life. Criomagan bho chuid de na prògraman aithriseach as fheàrr bho thasglann Trusadh. BBC ALBA. Duration: 2:31. This programme will be available shortly after broadcast. It has long been associated with the Highlands and Islands, but poaching was never something spoken of in public in fear of getting into trouble with the law. In episode two, a look at the exceptional work carried out in Kenya by a young girl from South Uist, we learn about lullabies sung to children, a trip down memory lane about the community of Borve in the Isle of Lewis commemorating an unforgettable event, we remember a very special trip that Liniclate School from Benbecula embarked on to New York, and finally some interesting descriptions of the various nicknames people have given to each other. The new series launches with Aiseag (The Ferryboat) which charts the creative, musical journey of a major new commission for the 2014 Commonwealth Games, led by … For that reason, we are taking a look back at highlights from some of the best documentaries in the archive spanning the past 12 years. Cò nach biodh toilichte le geansaidh blàth Èirisgeach. The name Alba is the Scottish Gaelic name for Scotland. Related Videos. NISE...That's what I call Christmas! Throughout the years, the factual documentary strand Trusadh has looked at many subjects that affect the lives of Gaels and Gaelic speakers all over the world. A very special Trusadh tonight on BBC ALBA at 9pm, with plenty of stories, reminiscing and laughs. Thugainn Dhan Phark. BBC ALBA commissioned the Trusadh documentary strand with MacTV for BBC ALBA when the channel launched in 2008 and it has been a flagship brand on the channel ever since. Tha am poidsear air a bhith an seo nas fhaide na an nàmhaid agus an neach a tha an-còmhnaidh as a dhèidh, an geamair. BBC ALBA - Diluain 25 Gearran, 9f. Anns an dàrna prògram san t-sreath seo de cheithir phàirtean, bheir sinn sùil air ais air an obair ionmholta a rinn tè òg à Uibhist a Deas ann an Ceinia, ionnsaichidh sinn mu na tàlaidhean a thathas a’ seinn do leanabain airson an cadal a chur orra, chì sinn mar a bha coimhearsnachd Bhuirgh ann an Eilean Leòdhais a’ cuimhneachadh air tachartas sònraichte, bidh sinn a’ coimhead air ais air turas a rinn Sgoil Lionacleit à Beinn na Faoghla a New York, air am bi cuimhne gu bràth, agus mu dheireadh iomradh air na far-ainmean a bhios sinn a’ toirt air cach a chèile. BBC ALBA programmes are subtitled in English or have live captions. Mar sin, tha sinn a’ toirt sùil air ais air criomagan bho chuid de na prògraman as fheàrr bhon tasglann thairis air dusan bliadhna. BBC ALBA – Monday 30 November at 9.00pm . Dads Rock recently featured in a BBC Alba programme called Trusadh about families! Eòrpa. People, culture, news, sport, television shows and radio programmes from BBC Alba. BBC Alba (Bee-Bee-See Ah-ull-bah) is a Scottish Gaelic language digital television channel jointly owned by the BBC and MG Alba.The channel was launched on 19 September 2008 and is on-air for up to seven hours a day. Trusadh. Anns an t-seachdamh agus an ochdamh linn deug, dheigheadh armachd a thoirt air falbh bho dhaoine àbhaisteach agus dheigheadh am peanasachadh gu fiosaigeach nan deigheadh an glacadh a’ poidseadh an àite sam bith. Throughout the years, the factual documentary strand Trusadh has looked at many subjects that affect the lives of Gaels and Gaelic speakers all over the world. Trusadh 10-3: Heisgeir Buidhe. The Pope's unique Eriskay jumper. Produced for BBC ALBA by MacTV, Trusadh – Diabetes/Tinneas an t-Siùcair tells the stories of individuals and families who live with Type 1 Diabetes. Tha poidseadh air a bhith na phàirt dhen Ghàidhealtachd agus na h-Eileanan airson ùine mhòr, ach chan e cuspair a bh’ ann air an robh daoine a’ bruidhinn aig àrd an cinn, gun fhios nach deigheadh an glacadh leis an lagh. BBC ALBA - Trusadh: Bogha-froise (Pride) | Facebook "Chan eil àite sam bith agam anns a choimhearsnachd seo.” Everyone needs a sense of belonging, a sense of Pride. Don't be afraid to ask the question. Thairis air na bliadhnaichean tha an t-sreath de phrògraman aithriseach Trusadh air sealltainn ri iomadach cuspair a tha a’ bualadh air beatha nan Gàidheal agus luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig air feadh an t-saoghail. By genre: New. Similar programmes. No wonder Isle of Harris made the world's top 10 'must photograph' locations. Trusadh – BBC ALBA’s flagship documentary series, Trusadh, is back with a fresh and diverse range of programming. The name Alba (Ah-ull-bah) is the Scottish Gaelic name for 'Scotland'. Clipuri video similare. A selection of programmes is also available on the Stories about poaching across the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. BBC ALBA TAKES A LOOK AT THOSE KEEPING SCOTLAND’S PUBLIC TOILETS FLUSHING. It will be shown on the channel on Monday 15 June at 9.00 until 10.00pm. Earrann Eachdraidh, A selection of history shorts looking at tragedies during the 1950s. BBC ALBA’s new documentary, ‘Trusadh: Two-Eight-Two’ follows the story of a remarkable personal challenge in a stunning yet brutal landscape. Trusadh on BBC Alba at 2020-12-29 10:00 PM. See all episodes from Trusadh Clips. BBC ALBA – Diluain 30 Samhain aig 9.00f . Documentaries about Scottish life. BBC ALBA. It was often done out of necessity, particularly in the island communities of Scotland in the early 19th century due to low earnings or unemployment. Tha an sgrìobhadair, Joni Bhochanan, a’ toirt sùil air an eachdraidh air cùl nan 4 carraighean-cuimhne a tha a’ comharrachadh prìomh thachartasan strì an fhearainn ann an Leòdhas. Sgeulachdan mu phoidseadh air feadh na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean ann an Alba. Upcoming episodes ... Na Mo Chuid Aodaich — Abair Trusadh, Episode 4. Read about our approach to external linking. Public toilet cleaning is far from glamorous – it can be ugly, it can be grubby, with long working hours. Dementia is a condition that could and does impact many of us in one way or another with around 80,000 dementia sufferers (1) in Scotland at present. "Chan eil àite sam bith agam anns a choimhearsnachd seo.” BBC ALBA’s Trusadh series plunges into teatime at this life-affirming group, known officially as the Hebridean Men’s Cancer Group, and informally as ‘Cancer Club.’ ‘There’s this idea that when you have cancer you’re done,’ said group chairman, Angus McCormack. An-diugh, ’s e càin no seirbheis sa choimhearsnachd a gheibh neach ma tha iad a’ dèanamh càil dhe leithid. From themes relating to history, heritage, language, the environment and culture, Trusadh has covered it. The Pope's unique Eriskay jumper. Colin Macleod. BBC ALBA OFFERS A POIGNANT INSIGHT INTO LIVING WITH DEMENTIA. United Auctions Recommended for you. Bho chuspairean ceangailte ri eachdraidh, dualchas, cànan, an àrainneachd agus cultar, tha Trusadh air a rannsachadh. BBC ALBA is available on Sky channel 168 or Freesat channel 110. Eòrpa. Upcoming episodes (4 total) Supporting Content. An honest and visually beautiful programme told through the eyes of charismatic local storytellers, we learn about poaching across the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, and of the tales and anecdotes of poachers throughout the generations, as well as getting the gamekeeper’s insightful perspective on the matter. BBC ALBA - Diluain 3 Òg Mhios 2013 – 9.00f. Trusadh. BBC ALBA. BBC ALBA. Highlights from some of the best documentaries from the Trusadh archive. 0:54. Trusadh: Gaisgich nan Goireasan. Related Content. Duration: 01:52 ... BBC ALBA. BBC ALBA – Monday 3 June 2013 - 9.00pm. On iPlayer. BBC ALBA commissioned the Trusadh documentary strand with MacTV for BBC ALBA when the channel launched in 2008 and it has been a flagship brand on the channel ever since. ‘But … New. Today a poacher is usually likely to receive a fine or a community service order for committing this offence. BBC ALBA is available on Sky channel 168 or Freesat channel 110. Next on. 1:11. The only exception to this are Children's programmes which are transmitted in Gaelic with no subtitles. Funie. Related Videos. BBC ALBA is available on Sky channel 168 or Freesat channel 110. A fine or a community service order for committing this offence range of...., Episode 4 called Trusadh about families e càin no seirbheis sa choimhearsnachd a gheibh ma. His great adversary and pursuer, the poacher has been running since 2008 and is... 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