Thanks for sharing this article here so that I and others can benefit from your experience! if (!IE) { return; } Opening the panel and changing the LED strips is beyond me and too risky. My Sony TV was blinking five times, and the color was distorted more toward red ever since I replaced the two chips that are responsible for the power supply, blinking 6 times. Very full informative thanks very much for sharing. Good job, Mr. Wong. I replaced the lamp, but when i tried to turn it back on, it does the same thing again. Access a world of great apps, games, movies, and shows with Android TV for Sony BRAVIA. Is my TV malfunctioning? I have a Sony KDF-55xs955 rear projection LCD purchased in Nov. 2006 that will not power on and the green LED is blinking 6 times. It may not be the best solution but it provide an alternative solution rather than throwing it into the waste dump . -->, Sony TV standby LED blinking 6 times solved. Solved: Sony Bravia red led 6 blinks error! This LG LED TV was brought to me with the... // Special handling for facebook iOS since it cannot open new windows In my personal opinion, a better solution will be to change the high voltage transformer rather than changing to another version of the backlight inverter board. Hours before this happened I was having trouble changeing cable stations, no matter what number I punched in the cable station would go to a music selection. NOTE: 8 Times Blink - For certain models, a special reset procedure is needed if the Red LED on the front of the TV is blinking 8 times and then repeats. IMPORTANT: This includes disconnecting your modem, router or any other Internet devices that are connected to the TV. When i tried to turn it back it, the power light keeps blinking red 6 times in a row then stops for a second, then blinks 6 times again. Wait 5 minutes and connect it back. The error voltage ERR_OUT measured is 0.036V with the China backlight inverter board as shown in Photo 6. my meter is "FLUKE-8010A Digital Multimeter". , we can compare the differences in the inductance measurement. document.getElementById("af-footer-413914580").className = "af-footer af-quirksMode"; A very good article, but we in are suffering from lack of part. if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('FBIOS') !== -1 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Twitter for iPhone') !== -1) { Is it worth disabling the err_out pin somehow so the mainboard does not receive the error and does not shut down the unit. When power was turned on, the shutdown fault re-occurred. A also learned something from your article I had not heard of yet : Magnetic Feet. The term “panel assembly” on the service manual include the backlight inverter board, CCFL lamps and the LCD screen. Next, I removed the front LCD panel screen to check on the CCFL lamps. Realy fantastic sir thank you verymuch,this is uselful to every technicians. We recommend downloading and installing the latest version of one of the following browsers: Our site is not optimized for your current browser. Alternatively, learn more about performing a Power Cycle / Reset on Sony's Android TV . I doubt I can do that without damaging the panel. However, the number of blinking times is mostly 2 to 8. helps us to learn the electronics so it is easy to do small job at home or even help to get rid from LED TV problems in the home if we learn the electronic industry concepts. You can also forward this website link to your friends and colleagues-thanks! })(); Thank you. I want to re-confirm the original backlight inverter board which I suspect was faulty, so I replaced the China board with the original Sony backlight inverter board. @*/false; However, the number of blinking times is mostly 2 to 8. IMPORTANT: This answer only applies when the Standby light is blinking 8 times. With the passion to repair electronic products from young , he has been doing it part time until now. Now when i try to turn on the TV, it blinks the green light as usual, but never turns on. Sony Pictures The hub for your favourite movies and TV shows. Very interesting repair SK.Wong! if (document.getElementById("af-body-413914580")) { According to the Sony service manual the fault lies with the panel assembly and recommended to change it.. Still having the same issue. 2)remove all the plugs from main power supply. I hope this article will be useful for those who encounter similar problems with Sony LCD TV. I fixed white balance failure by adjusting G2 using a screw driver.Thus, the blinking has stopped and the color has been restored. The green light blinks for about 20-30 seconds and then the red light blinks 5 times. Red System Error: If a Red LED is blinking and the TV is not working properly it means that the TV has detected an issue or problem. I have a 3 yr old 65" led TV. 30 seconds then the red lamp light starts flashing. The price is attractively low so I give it a try. Hisense 50″ Smart TV Struck By Lightning Repaired, A Drill Battery Charger Shorted Out, Maintained And Repaired, A Hair Dryer That Produces Burning Smell Repaired, Backlight Replaced And LED Driver Bypassed In LG LED TV MODEL 32LF561D-TF, Welding machine power on but does not weld repaired. Physically it does not looks compatible with the original Sony but the supplier insist that it can work. I think maybe one LED has blown out. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. document.getElementById("af-body-413914580").className = "af-body inline af-quirksMode"; Then it will just shut off. 1) turn off your TV . It came with no warranty but decided to take the risk. That way, you’ll never miss a post. Note: If your TV is not listed in the Applicable Products and Categories section, refer to the Red, green or orange lights are on or blinking on the TV article. Just wondered if anyone had any ideas before i throw it away. Thanks for sharing on your experience.Good job sir. Sony TV standby LED blinking 6 times solved By Sk Wong. And according to complaints from customers on Forums apparently many screens produce white areas or other strange faults after people had bought it. I saw your voltage meter on one of your photo. Why is this and how can it be fixed? For instance, the panel or main board of your TV may need to be replaced. XBR55X850C - 6 Blinking Red Light - Won't Power On I was in the middle of watching a YouTube video when half of the screen went dim and then the TV powered itself off. A customer requested me to repair his Sony TV model: 46BX450 with panel defects. Now when you switch it on the sony logo comes on for a couple of seconds then goes off and the led on the front flashes red 6 times. The red light at the bottom blinks 6 times when I try to turn it on. any suggestions ? There are occasional loud blasts of sound but no picture, any suggestions. You can try below methods before calling CC 1. I got the local tv repair guy to look at it and he said he thinks its the board but hes not 100% sure. Mr Wong , very nice repair done great job SIR. I have a Sony KV43HS420 the red light by Stand By Timer blinks 7 times. If you have a different number of blinks, please see this answer .. The red LED on my Sony's Android TV is blinking. The self diagnosis light has come on the red standyby light blinks six times, then goes out for two seconds and continues. I have a Sony KD-55XE9305. How do I disable the TV LED from turning on or blinking? Totally disappointed with Sony.once switch off in the to after 5 mints u cane switch on TV not working 6 times red LED blinking issue. I am having some difficulty finding an exact match for the KDL-46bx450. } If yes how would you advise I should do it? The TV will go through several reboot loops, then eventually go to stand-by mode and blink the red LED light 8 times. Red, green or orange lights are ON or blinking on the TV. NOTE: The number of times the red LED flashes, gives our technicians an indication of the underlying cause of the defect. Currently, he can provide turnkey solutions for consumer products including services from idea or concept to design , prototyping , finished products (including electronic,mechanical and plastic parts) and manufacturing. The meaning of the blink codes differs between TV models. YOURS TRULY, RUBEN. My Sony model KDS-50A2000 TV won't turn on. TV Model is KDL-50W805B. Mr. Wong, thank you for a great tutorial. if (document.compatMode && document.compatMode == 'BackCompat') { If the procedure does not solve the issue and the Red LED is still blinking, check how many times it … When I turned on the set I observed that the standby LED blink six times with the Sony Logo appeared briefly on the screen before it shut down indicating that the backlight was working. I thank you very much for this article. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I changed a few of the CCFL lamps which are with excessive dark ring.