The following are questions frequently asked. Nice to see your site. We're going to talk about Him in small chunks, because I want to make it easy to get to know Him. 3. We’ll be looking at the Holy Spirit today and most of the summer. Available to Small Groups as a printable study with helpful questions for personal growth. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Is the Holy Spirit a "He," "She," or "It," male, female, or neuter? Week 1 ~ Alpha Questions “Who is Jesus?” (Q of L, Chp 2) Icebreaker: Have each person say his/her name preceded by a positive adjective that describes him/herself. How was the disciples’ waiting different from ours today? Focal Passage: Acts 1:3-9 Discussion Questions: 1. Our RESPONSE To understand who the Holy Spirit is and to ask him to give us power to live the Christian life. What associations in scripture first come to your mind? We need to understand that the Holy Spirit is just as much of a person as Jesus was on earth. Why is it important that the creeds say the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son? Why should we avoid the impersonal pronoun when speaking of the Holy Spirit? Check out our Knowledge Base to answer questions and get in touch. © Matt Erickson and Renovate, 2020-2005. Why or why not? – Small Group Study is for groups, and focuses on the Person and work of the Holy Spirit. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Small Group Questions – April 8, 1. What we learned: We have a helper who comes alongside of us to lead and guide us as we live life. – A 2021 New Year Journal Experience, The Bible: God’s Favorite Book | Kids’ Curriculum. What is the Trinity? If you find that certain questions keep coming up during your study, write them down and email to our Small Group Staff. It’s going to be a great time! The church in Acts is born through the baptism of the Holy Spirit … Small Group Discussion Guide . The seed of the Holy Spirit has been planted in you! Remembering the Forgotten God: An Interactive Workbook for Individual and Small Group Study by Francis Chan. The Spirit-Filled Small Group is a must-read for every pastor or leader desiring to see first-century Christianity restored in the 21st century." The Holy Spirit acts as a seal upon our souls, marking us as God's possessions until the "Day of Redemption" (2 Corinthians 1:22, Ephesians 1:13-14). Connect with him on Twitter and Facebook. Change ). and the Church’s Relationship with the Holy Spirit in Acts Luke Acts 1. Week 2: The Personality of The Holy Spirit Small Group Study Guide DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. The book, a blend of theology and creative non-fiction, includes guided questions for small-group discussion. Because of the Holy Spirit's power and strength, we can do anything God wants us to accomplish in life and learn to live righteously (Ephesians 3:16; Galatians 5:22-23). The Spirit descending on Jesus like a dove at His baptism (Matt. Here are the ways the Catechism identifies the presence of the Holy Spirit. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Come, Holy Spirit . Life change happens in small groups. He has all the attributes of deity such as eternity, infinity, and omnipotence. Discuss the Scripture used in the opening reflection from Acts 2. The topic of the Baptism with the Holy Spirit (or being FILLED with the Holy Spirit) seems to be a very misunderstood Biblical principle. Thanks! The Holy Spirit is God. I wrote about Jesus, Herod, and ways in which idolatry can grip our hearts here. – Small Group Study is for groups, and focuses on the Person and work of the Holy Spirit. Small Group Questions “The True Vine” ... amazing promise of the Holy Spirit, who will dwell within people, is for the disciples and for all who love Jesus and follow his commands. I can see that you are putting a lots of efforts into your blog. Allow 20 minutes for each small group to prepare their interviews. This small group, informally known as the Holy Huddle, also has a blog. The PROBLEM We don’t experience the power of the Holy Spirit because of lack of knowledge or sin in our lives. How familiar are you with the topic of the Holy Spirit? A gift Jesus promised to send to them • What was the gift Jesus sent? question that arises. It was the Holy Spirit. ... Come, Holy Spirit . 2. Who Is The Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit PDF In societies around the world today, people are skeptical about the existence of … Why is the dove often used as a symbol for the Holy Spirit? 21 Questions and Answers on The Holy Spirit Baptism ! Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Family Discussion Questions . To download this entire series, click below. Why THIS MATTERS Then you will know that I the LORD have spoken, and I have done it, declares the LORD." : Jesus, Herod, and the Temptation toward Idolatry. Tags: bible, baptism, church, holy spirit, worship, discipleship, prayer, following jesus, sharing your faith, disciple, small group study (view more) (view less) He would be coming to help them, guide them, and empower them as they walked through the Christian life. Living in the Holy Spirit (Study Questions), 7 Things We Can Do As Christians in Times Like This, What Has Your Heart? While the disciples and the people around them are who we read about, the Holy Spirit is the main actor in Acts. ( Log Out /  Prayer, giving, humility, the Holy Spirit, His ministry begins when the Holy Spirit descends upon him at his baptism (Luke 3:22). What do you think it means to wait for God? • The fruit of the Spirit, is the power of God, the power of the resurrection, is bursting forth in you and into the world. For guidelines on digital distribution and more, please read our Terms of Use, Website Terms & Conditions, and Privacy Policy. When you think of the Holy Spirit, which Scripture passages immediately come to mind? Matt Erickson is married to Kelly and the father of three boys. Identify one practical way you will live in the Holy Spirit more fully as a response to this week’s study and sermon. What did they do? Church Small Group Study: The Holy Spirit. What was the role of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament? —Paul J. Pastor is author of The Face of the Deep: Exploring the Mysterious Person of the Holy Spirit. Conviction and calling "The Holy Spirit works in the conversion process as the agent who fosters conviction of sin. Read and discuss these other Scriptures for further background on the significance of these ideas: The Holy Spirit like wind (Acts 2:3-4): Genesis 1:1-2; Ezekiel 37:1-14; John 20:22-23, The Holy Spirit like fire (Acts 2:1-2): Luke 3:15-18; Psalm 104:4; Isaiah 6:1-7, The Holy Spirit like water (Acts 1:5; 2:17): John 4:13-14; 7:37-39; 1 Corinthians 12:13. What does it tell you about the Holy Spirit’s identity and mission? As are Father and Son, the Holy Spirit is also fully God. • Yet, when it comes to the fruit of the Spirit, we often think, ‘how nice’, ‘how lovely and quaint’, but actually it’s so much more than that. The Spirit hovering over the surface of the waters at the beginning of Creation (Gen. 1:2)? Here are the discussion questions that accompany my message from this past weekend at Eastbrook Church entitled "Living in the Holy Spirit." Ezekiel 37:14—"I will put my Spirit in you and you will live, and I will settle you in your own land. He lives in Oregon. The Holy Spirit is present to us in various ways. If you are in a small group, discuss this with one another. Why or why not? Why is this important? What are some reasons that Jesus said it is more important for him to leave and for the Holy Spirit to come? Introduction: This is our last week in our Final Forty series. Notice what the disciples’ immediate response was in Acts 1:12-14. The Holy Spirit is much too vast for anyone to have all the answers. The Presence of the Spirit – We are God’s Temple Living by the Spirit – Winning the Battle with Our Flesh The Witness of the Spirit – We are God’s Children The Fruit of the Spirit – Called to be Free The Gifts of the Spirit – Diversity and Unity. Yet the Holy Spirit is often the most neglected person of the Trinity in church services and daily life. How are those relationships achieved? Spiritual gifts survey - … This describes Pentecost. 4 Paul and the Holy Spirit in the Church 40 ... to the Holy Spirit. Discuss the difference in the Apostles before and after the coming of the Holy Spirit. However, this study is designed to challenge us to … John Bevere even suggests this in his title The Holy Spirit: An Introduction. What do you think it would have been like to gather with those disciples in the house in Jerusalem? – A New Year Journal Experience, Facing Life’s Trials – Weekly Wimber Devotional, Conflict In The Kingdom – Weekly Wimber Devotional, Commitment To Christ’s Cause – Weekly Wimber Devotional, How Is Our Soul? Is the Holy Spirit a confusing or encouraging topic of study for you? Is the Holy Spirit a confusing or encouraging topic of study for you? The Answer is actually a Person: The Holy Spirit Himself. 10 Questions on the Holy Spirit By Dr. J. Rodman Williams Theologian 1. Who is the Holy Spirit? Discussion Questions: How familiar are you with the topic of the Holy Spirit? He is worth all our love and attention! He is not some reality less than God or other than God. 3:16)? If we ask ourselves and our groups the right questions, we can create environments for transformation. The postings on this site are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Eastbrook Church. God, The Holy Spirit This small group Bible study is designed to explore a variety of core or “fundamental” aspects of our faith. When you think of the Holy Spirit, which Scripture passages immediately come to mind? reminded them that the Holy Spirit would be coming soon. Week 1 Text: John 14:16–17, 26; 16:5–15 Topic: Trinity, Holy Spirit Big Idea of the Message: Jesus said it would be better for us for the Holy Spirit to come than for Jesus to remain on earth. Have an issue or question? What does it tell you about Jesus’ identity and mission? As we begin What do the following verses teach us about the person and/or work of the Holy Spirit?. While study questions … These are the money questions! 4. This week, we continue exploring life in the Holy Spirit by looking at the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Vineyard Digital is created and curated by Vineyard Resources to provide discipleship resources centered around the theology and practice of the Kingdom of God for individuals, families, and churches around the world. As leaders, we want to take people on a journey of transformation. Throughout this study you'll cover the key essentials that all believers in Jesus need to know and do. Discuss each way, one at a time. Begin your study by asking God to speak to you. Choose questions to talk about with your small group during the 3-minute Bible break: • What were God’s people waiting for? What qualities define a deep friendship or strong partnership? Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Matt Erickson and Renovate with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Questions That Provoke Inspection – This is what your small group meeting has been building towards. Week 3 – The Inseparable Jesus & Holy Spirit . As the Holy Spirit dwells in us, we have fellowship with the Father and Son as well. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. – Small Group Study, How Is Our Soul? Keep posting the good work.Some really helpful information in there. If the Holy Spirit's presence, empowerment and gifts do not infuse life into the group, it becomes nothing more than a Gospel gimmick for church growth. Because God is a self-revealing God, we can start to get to know Him by looking closely at the Scriptures to see what He does. Title: Microsoft Word - Small Group Questions – GIfts fo the Holy Spirit Part 1.docx Created Date: 5/26/2019 5:01:13 PM Session 4 of 8 in the Following Jesus Small Group Study from pastor Samuel Deuth. What are the names and titles of the Holy Spirit? Have each one performed in sequence, so a complete picture of the whole event is given. ( Log Out /  The Spirit coming like a rushing wind in the upper room to empower the disciples (Acts 2:1)? Practice the interview once or twice before it is performed to the rest of the group. Warm-up . Here are the discussion questions that accompany my message from this past weekend at Eastbrook Church entitled “Living in the Holy Spirit.”. Questions for reflection or small group discussion When you hear "the Holy Spirit" what comes to your mind? ( Log Out /  The receiving of the Holy Spirit was connected to the fulfillment of some of God’s greatest Old Testament promises. Luke, the writer… Jesus’ birth comes through the Holy Spirit “overshadowing” Mary (Luke 1:35). Read through Acts 2 and underline or circle the references to the “Holy Spirit” or “Spirit.” What do you see here about who the Holy Spirit is and what the Holy Spirit does? This is where you step out of the boat and believe for the Holy Spirit to increase in your midst. What someone does tells us a lot about their character. the likeness of Christ. Read this portion of scripture. Many of the Christian Faith view God as a Trinity, where God, Jesus, and the Spirit are One, and yet separate; God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. What’s more, questions around the Spirit and a life ... • In a small group: Working in a group, with or without a leader, means that we can help one another with the Bible passages or discussion topics that some The Holy Spirit is God and gives us power to live life to the fullest. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Luke, the writer of the book of Acts, sets the stage for what will happen in the entire book in Acts 1:1-11. Today, we're starting a new series about the Holy Spirit. Most Biblical/Godly topics that produce EXTREME power always have a demon of confusion behind them. What didn’t they do? . Signs, Wonders, And The Holy Spirit – Small Group Study is a group study on the miraculous.. Signs, Wonders, And The Holy Spirit – Small Group Study is for groups, and focuses on the work of the Holy Spirit in the miraculous. ( Log Out /  3:16)? Sign In or join a premium membership to access to this. Write it down, reflect on it, and put it into practice this week. !2 The Spirit descending on Jesus like a dove at His baptism (Matt. Who Is The Holy Spirit? After the interviews, discuss with the whole group; What were the effects of the coming of the Holy Spirit? We will gather them, and our pastors will try to formulate responses. Seat your small group when worship is over. If you lead a small group, one of your goals might be to help those in your group grow spiritually—transformed spiritually, even. If so, the Answer for which you've been longing is not a thing or a new strategy. Throughout this study you'll cover the key essentials that all believers in Jesus need to know and do. •Who does God give the Holy Spirit to? The Holy Spirit, who is The Holy Spirit is described like three different elements. The Spirit coming like a rushing wind in the upper room to empower the … He serves as Senior Pastor of Eastbrook Church in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Session 4 of 8 in the Following Jesus Small Group Study from pastor Samuel Deuth. There are three main passages that talk about spiritual gifts in the New Testament: 1 Corinthians 12, Romans 12:3-8, and Ephesians 4:1-16. The Spirit hovering over the surface of the waters at the beginning of Creation (Gen. 1:2)? 3. Oftentimes these are big theological ideas that have lots of complexity and depth. 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