Approaching this term from a statistical perspective, we should expect to find the non-technical sense In Romans 16:1. I think “domineer” is a reasonable translation of authentein. CEB. It is apparent that women were active in significant ministries in the church at Rome. One is, “Contextualized Interpretation of I Timothy 2:12: An Analysis,” and the other is, “I Timothy 2:12: An Analysis of Restrictive Interpretation.” I have been reading some of your articles on 1 Timothy, and I would appreciate your thoughts on Edgar’s papers. 8Greet Ampliatus, whom I love in the Lord. (Romans 16:3-5 NIV). 1. Rather, he affirms them and their ministries. I would enjoy hearing your thoughts on that. But here in Romans 16 is a list of names of men and women who never knew that they were going to be famous. Greet Mary, who worked very hard for you. You remember lots of things about your past together and things about their personality, but you still can’t recall their name. 19. Undoubtedly the prayers of Andronicus and Junias affected the apostle. Now we have even more names. Just write another line and send your own greetings." A large number of those named were personal acquaintances of Paul; some had rendered him special service; many were, no doubt, his own converts. Mary and the Women in Matthew’s Genealogy of Jesus, Don Carson and Tim Keller on “I Do Not Permit a Woman to Teach”. Paul is evidently thinking of his own trip to Jerusalem and the threat that awaits him from the Judaizers there, Verses 17-20: I urge you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way, contrary to the teaching you have learned. Romans 16 begins with a recommendation which was written in order to introduce a woman by the name of Phoebe to the Christian community in Rome. I can understand why some would question whether the first half of 1 Cor. 27. In the New International Version, “Christ” appears 453 times! Phoebe was a minister in Cenchrea, a port town of Corinth. Paul sends his greetings to them and all the brothers with them. c. Amplias: There is a tomb dating from the late first or early second century in the earliest Christian catacomb of Rome which bears the name AMPLIAS. This just shows again here that many women helped with Paul's ministry. Along with Nereus and his sister, as well as Olympas (which may be a contraction of the male name Olympiodorus—or is it a female name? We do not know what they did, but there is a delicate irony here. Harnack’s Positive Descriptions of NT Women Ministers. Required fields are marked *. These kinds of prejudiced, baseless statements from Edgar make it difficult to take his work seriously, let alone critique it. Did Paul make a point of affirming these women in an effort to ease tensions caused by some Roman Christians who had a problem with ministering women? It is hard to tell whether this is a husband and wife team, or two brothers. But these names are mentioned only because they were personal friends of Paul's in Rome, to whom he was writing, or they were with him in the city of Corinth, from which he wrote. Ps 51:4: Rom 3:10-12 25., Mary is the fourth Roman Christian on the list. 1 Cor. . Again, thank you for your articles and work! Junia Romans 16:7, Greet Andronicus and Junia, my fellow Jews who have been in prison with me. Say hello to Epaenetus, my dear friend, who was the first convert [literally “first-fruits] in Asia for Christ. (1) Paul, contrary to what is supposed today, greatly valued women and the significance of their ministry. That man was Simon of Cyrene, a Jew coming into the city for the Passover. Greet Ampliatus, whom I love in the Lord. The structured note is certainly very clear on our topic!! There are no grounds for such a presumption. Michael Bird on inconsistent complementarian attitudes to women teachers, Questions about how to interpret and implement 1 Timothy 2:12,,,, See here.). Four things ring clearly throughout their lives: One, they were not their own. (Romans 16:5-6 NIV). In verse 2, she is referred to as a helper of many, and of Paul. You cannot read Chapter 16 of Romans without being impressed by the number of women Paul mentions -- many more than in any other literature of that day. 7Greet Andronicus and Junias, my relatives who have been in prison with me. Website © 2021 by Ray Stedman Ministries. Romans Chapter 16. Paul stayed in Jason's home when a riot broke out in the city. Greet Apelles, tested and approved in Christ. Part of this was based on the fact that I Corinthians 11:17 shows a clear transition to the believers meeting together, which is not clearly mentioned in I Corinthians 11:2-16. Partnering Together: Paul’s Female Coworkers. The word is the same for male or female.) A shepherd who only feeds the male sheep in his flock? Enjoy this video and share it … Then in Verse 14 we find a businessmen's group: Greet Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermes, Patrobas, Hermas and the brothers with them. Thank you for the link to why I Timothy 2:12 is not clear, and I appreciate your helping me in this. 2I ask you to receive her in the Lord in a way worthy of the saints and to give her any help she may need from you, for she has been a great help to many people, including me. Would not that be a great inscription, "Tested and approved in Christ"?) But it is very clear from this mention here that there were Christians among his household. Patrobas Romans 16:14 Galatians 3:28: Our Identity in Christ and in the Church I’ve numbered and named the people, along with the verse or phrase from Romans 16:1-16 where they are mentioned. Mary from Rome – She was Paul’s helper. He is not mentioned elsewhere. Just like Prisca and Aquila, Urbanus, a man, is described using Paul’s favourite word for a fellow minister: coworker. In this post I’m going to introduce one of the many woman mentioned in Romans 16. Have you noticed how many of the cults today are trying to go back to the Scriptures, arguing from them a groundwork for their faith? In these first 24 verses there are 33 names mentioned. 16:13 This Rufus cannot be identified to … Paul decides to send greetings from all those people who were with him in Corinth. I was delighted to see your information and article pop up and immediately delved into it. 11:17ff and 1 Cor. No matter how many others follow, you never forget the firstfruits. 16:7, 11, 16:21 NIV; cf. Mary who is mentioned in Romans 16:6. This idea is also based on the fact that I Corinthians 14:35 makes a distinction between the home and the public setting of the church. Paul didn’t. Romans 16:21. NIV. Here in Romans 16 are six members of Paul's family, kinsmen who are now Christians. She believes that if we are in Christ we are part of the New Creation and part of a community where old social paradigms of hierarchies and caste systems have no place (2 Cor. In the cemetery at Domitilla, found among the catacombs in Rome, there is a highly decorated tomb with the single name "Ampliatus," written on it. Also say hello to the church that meets in their house. Here were Tryphaena and Tryphosa. Recently I enjoyed preaching on Romans 16. CEB. Greet my dear friend Persis, another woman who has worked very hard in the Lord. Chrysostom used the words correctly. All of Paul’s advice in 1 Timothy 2:8-15 is very specific. Now they are in Rome, having traveled from Corinth and Ephesus. 2. NRSV. 11:17 is indeed the beginning of a new section. Tryphaena and Tryphosa: Not too Dainty to Work Hard in the Lord by Dr Dominika Kurek-Chomycz, Partnering Together: Paul and Women We see them first in Chapter 18 of Acts, where Luke tells us they were Jews, tentmakers by trade, who were driven out of Rome by the decree of the Emperor Claudius. Romans 16:6 "Greet Mary, who bestowed much labor on us." She is called by the apostle "a servant of the church in Cenchreae." 22I, Tertius, who wrote down this letter, greet you in the Lord. It seems it was the other way around in Corinth. Was it “teaching,” a word that some are reluctant to associate with Priscilla and her ministry? Paul doesn’t tell the Ephesian men and women that they need to raise holy hands without anger when they pray. Ampliatus, Urbanus (both names common in the imperial household), Hermes, Philologus and Julia are likely slaves Evidence of Diversity: male/female, slave/free, Jew/Gentile, rich/poor If you want Romans 16, follow Romans 14! Olympas Romans 16:15, Say hello to Philologus and Julia, Nereus and his sister, and Olympas, and all the saints who are with them. People just got together where they could for larger meetings. Until you see fit to remove us, Lord, keep us at the work. This young man had lived up to his name, ... Several people by the name of Gaius are mentioned … Most first-century church meetings were small and often met in homes. Hermas Romans 16:14, Say hello to Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermes, Patrobas, Hermas, and the brothers and sisters who are with them. 20The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. Verse 5 mentions a church that met in the house of Aquila and Priscilla . Say hello to Urbanus, our coworker in Christ . "Asia," as in the Revision, is the true reading. God bless you sis . In this post I’m going to introduce one of the many woman mentioned in Romans 16. Already, in the heart of the Roman Empire, a Christian witness had been established, and Paul sends greetings to the slaves and servants in the house of Nero. Series: From Guilt to Glory -- Experienced. Seven women have been mentioned so far, including Phoebe, and Paul has said something about the ministries of each of these women. They lift them up above the rest and give them a peculiar mark of distinction, and flatter their egos as being members of the true church. Olympas; this is thought to be the name of a man, rather than of a woman. In Jesus' name, Amen. And they didn’t learn about apostolic teaching by reading, but by having letters read aloud in meetings. Perhaps this list will be useful to others too. Subject to permissions policy, all rights reserved. 12Greet Tryphena and Tryphosa, those women who work hard in the Lord. Their motives, Paul says, are not to serve Christ, even though they say they do. So, here are the names for God in the Bible. Next to “Amen,” “Christ” is the last word of Romans (Rom. 11:2) by using the verb for “praise.”. 10Greet Apelles, tested and approved in Christ. I have been reading some of your articles on authentein, and I can see that there is a fair amount of evidence to suggest that it was not a normal exercise of authority. They believed that. Asyncritus Romans 16:14 He is not mentioned elsewhere. In those days, too many good citizens – good Christians! Three women are listed in Romans 16:12. I’m glad it’s useful to you. Say hello to Ampliatus, my dear friend in the Lord. 21Timothy, my fellow worker, sends his greetings to you, as do Lucius, Jason and Sosipater, my relatives. Years ago I visited the Natural Bridge of Virginia. Likewise, 1 Timothy 2:11-15 refers specifically to a woman who was behaving badly. This just shows again here that many women helped with Paul's ministry. Andronicus Romans 16:7 1 Timothy 2:11-15 is a continuation of this. By Ernie and Mary Kroeger. God had sent them into the world, and God would take them through it. Women in Romans 16 Romans 16 is a significant chapter for the study of women in the early church. God bless you! "Asia," as in the Revision, is the true reading. 1 Cor. Say hello to the members of the household of Narcissus who are in the Lord. The earliest translations of 1 Tim 2:12 (in Syriac and Latin) don’t sound positive to me. Nine of these people were with Paul — eight men and one woman. Importantly, Edgar repeatedly uses the words “women” and “men” when discussing 1 Timothy 2:12ff. 11:2-16. This is the last lesson for the year 2020! If it is "Junias" with an "s," as we have it here, it is a male; if it is "Junia," as the King James Version has it, it is female. The family of Stephanas were the first converts of Achaia ( 1 Cor. It’s not totally clear if Herma(s) is a male name. 3:28). Nevertheless, I believe Romans 16 is part of a letter that Paul wrote to the Romans. the Joanna mentioned as a wealthy patron and follower of Jesus in Luke 8:3 and 24:10 may be identical to Junia, with Joanna being her Aramaic name and Junia its Greek/Latin equivalent.3 Whatever her identity, Paul’s deference to her authority illustrates the utmost respect on his part. No Christian was without a ministry. Several books and papers discuss whether Romans 16 was meant for Rome or for Ephesus. The Greek grammar shows that Philologus and Julia are a couple. I only wish I’d had this 50 odd years ago when as a teenager I was being fed the “women silent in the church” line, which I always had trouble accepting! (My own transl.). Nine of these people were with Paul -- eight men and one woman. ), 20. I actually tried to make a few notes about his section on oude, but got bogged down by it because there is so much I disagree with. There are 24 names mentioned in Rome -- 17 men and 7 women. As does the one prohibition interpretation: “I am not allowing a woman to teach a man in a domineering manner …”. Philologus Romans 16:15 Romans 16:3 Greek Prisca, a variant of Priscilla; Romans 16:7 Or are esteemed by; 11 refers to ministry when the church is assembled, but perhaps Paul’s concern is conceptual rather than practical in these verses. In recent years, it’s been popular to say that the church has oppressed women, that it has little place for them, and even that the Apostle Paul was a woman-hater. They had been Christians longer than Paul, perhaps they had even been disciples when Jesus was alive. If so, it means that even in the royal household there were a number of Christian servants and slaves who exercised great influence on the leaders of Rome -- even the emperor himself. Though we do not know the details, it is evident that this man became a Christian and there is a hint in the book of Acts that he was present on the day of Pentecost. "You Christians in Rome have a reputation for obedience. They only envisaged getting adequate rest in order to come back and fight through to the end. Apparently Phoebe was on her way to Rome (probably entrusted with this precious letter) and Paul sends an advance recommendatio… Later they became Christians, and Paul cherished them as friends he had known even before his own Christian days. In fact, for 300 years there is no mention of church buildings in Scripture. . It all depends on the name "Junias." Your email address will not be published. He has called us to a battleground. May God continue to bless you in your blog-ministry, and let your heart be warmed often! 1:1). When you obey this, God will work. Women in Romans 16 Romans 16 is a significant chapter for the study of women in the early church. Their names are suggestive that they were probably aristocrats, women who were born to a high class. 5:17; Gal. In Romans 16 Paul uses this term three times (see verses 7,11,21) and he names six people as his kinsmen. Not only do they comprise 35% of the believers mentioned, These people probably all belong to the same house church in Rome. Here are Third and Fourth of a family of slaves. Romans Chapter 16– John Karmelich . This is supported, I think, by the fact that Paul mentions his relative, Herodion, in connection with these servants. Gaius, whose hospitality I and the whole church here enjoy, sends you his greetings. You have warmed the heart of this 71-year-old! The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. In Verse 13 we have Rufus, chosen in the Lord, and his mother, who had been a mother to the apostle too. One wonders at the number of them, considering that the writer had never been at Rome. But “reputation” (doxa) is a key concern in 1 Cor. 11, in 1 Cor. All the churches of Christ send greetings. Erastus, who is the city's director of public works, and our brother Quartus send you their greetings. This is significant as there were tensions between the Jews and Gentiles in the Roman Church at the time Paul wrote his letter. Men and women who were tested, tried, and approved, who stayed steadfast in the long martyrdom of life itself. However, on pages 12-13 Edgar points out that this activity was only restricted from women in relation to men, and he therefore concludes it must be a positive exercise of authority. I’ve heard a few complementarian scholars use the word “positive” in discussions when describing “to teach” and authentein, but I really don’t know what they mean. 3Greet Priscilla and Aquila, my fellow workers in Christ Jesus. Tryphaena Romans 16:12 16:15). This man will forever be known as one who endured a testing of his faith and who stood against the pressure. They can read and write, and are part of this group in Corinth. And many people have called God by different names in the Bible. ... you can say the House of the Lord is I lift up the name of Jesus Hallelujah. - stood by, while their vulnerable neighbours were crushed by the governing authorities. Here is a kind of male commune, all with Greek names, suggesting that these were young businessmen who had come to Rome and formed a group. Who’s Who in Paul’s Greetings in Romans 16, Tryphaena and Tryphosa: Not too Dainty to Work Hard in the Lord, Nympha: A House Church Leader in the Lycus Valley (Col. 4:15), Galatians 3:28: Our Identity in Christ and in the Church, Harnack’s Positive Descriptions of NT Women Ministers, Andrew Bartlett on “Men and Women in Christ”. It was a popular name. Paul describes Rufus as “chosen” or “elect.” (This is the same word used to describe the lady addressed in 2 John and her sister. Epaenetus was never forgotten, for he was the first one to believe the gospel when Paul came to the province of Asia, of which Ephesus was the capital. Greet my dear friend Epenetus, who was the first convert to Christ in the province of Asia. CEB. 14:1-15:6), and the women and slaves or former slaves we have met in Romans 16:1-15. Julia - Minor character in the new testament Romans; Junia or Junias - Regarded highly by St. Paul in Romans. I cannot see an ecclesiastical office here. (In a few of his letters, Paul speaks of his own ministry in maternal terms. This again takes us back to the earliest days of the gospel ministry when perhaps young Saul of Tarsus, coming to Jerusalem to sit at the feet of Gamaliel, the great Jewish teacher, had probably stayed in the home of Simon of Cyrene and his two sons, Alexander and Rufus. There are two households mentioned, and two unnamed women -- the mother of Rufus and the sister of Nereus -- as well as some unnamed brethren. There are 29 names in all; but the number of persons mentioned are much more. Like Epaenetus, Ampliatus and Stachys (three men mentioned above), Paul refers to Persis, a woman, as a dear friend (“beloved”). Which are in the Lord - This might intimate that some of this family were not Christians; those only of that family that were converted to the Lord being saluted. After Mary, Paul mentions the couple Andronicus and Junia. In Verses 21-23 we have the greetings of those who are with Paul in Corinth: Timothy, my fellow worker, sends his greetings to you, as do Lucius, Jason and Sosipater, my relatives.I, Tertius, who wrote down this letter, greet you in the Lord. In this portion, that is not the meaning at all. The name does not seem to exist. I apologize for it being upside down; I am not sure how to change it. Text: Romans 16:1-16 Nowhere in Paul's epistles do we find such a long list of names. There are two households mentioned, and two unnamed women -- the mother of Rufus and the sister of Nereus -- as well as some unnamed brethren. (That is a historical mention, dated in 52 A.D.) They went to Corinth, took up their trade there, and met this strange young Jew, also a tentmaker, who had come from the north. But this passage is not a dry list of names. That was probably in that uproar that broke out in the city of Ephesus, recorded in the latter part of Acts, when the whole city was upset, and a mob was intent on taking Paul's life. 5Greet also the church that meets at their house. My thanks to Pastor Moore, too, then! Please explain the … And note the singular and plural verbs in 1 Timothy 2:15 CSB. And slaves or former slaves we have finally reached the last paragraph is reserved for next Sunday and our service... On us. 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